
【Charity party】at the Embassy of Mexico in Tokyo

We’d like to show our gratitude to all the participants for the Charity Party held at the Embassy of Mexico in Tokyo on February 8th.
Paintings by Mexican children affected by massive earthquake in Mexico as well as wildfire in Sonoma, CA in the US in 2017 were exhibited covering the entire wall flamboyantly.
Pleasant Mexican music by Mr. Sam Moreno and great cuisine specially prepared by the chef, Ms. Hoshino made the great atmosphere in harmony.
Kids Earth wines from Lumière, varieties of wines from aux nuages, soft drinks from Coca-Cola East Japan were sponsored.
The fund 209,700yen was raised for Mexican children by participation fee, charity goods purchase and donation.
サム・モレーノさんによるメキシコ音楽の生演奏やVamos の星野シェフによるメキシコ料理をお楽しみ頂きました。ルミエールからキッズアースワイン、オ・ヌアージュより赤・白ワイン、ロゼ、コカコーラ・イースト・ジャパンよりソフトドリンクをご協賛頂き、メキシコの子どもたちの為にご協力頂きました。


【Work shop】 in Cambodia

カンボジア Prek Treng primary Schoolにてワークショップ。
We held an art workshop at Prek Treng Primary School in Cambodia. This school used to close down whenever it rained due to leaks from the roof. Kids Earth Fund sponsored by World Air Sea service rebuilt the school.
Currently, there are 585 children going to this school at a age of between 4 to 12 years old. This school does not have art class. Our art workshop is the only time for them to taste the fun of art. It was first experience to see paintings for new children. They started to draw very carefully with sparkled eyes. Children’s message blossomed fully on canvas.